
RayTalkWorks Software

Make Video Proxies:

Designed for DIY filmmakers and video content creators. Takes big video files and makes small video files. Lots of configuration options built in. Available for MacOS and Windows. It's free of course. Also Open Source.

Great tool for making video dailes. TimeStamp burn-in and HTML gallery creation. Supports multiple video and audio codes. Auto-cropping and scaling. Especially useful for shooting in remote locations where you would not want to bring an expensive laptop, and an older, low power laptop you would bring is not capable of running NLE's like Adobe Premiere or Davinci Resolve or playing back HD files smoothly. This program can be used to batch convert video camera source files into smaller, more easily playable files. (In reality you could use it to convert any video file into any other kind and size of video file, uprezzing, codec conversion, frame rate conversion, etc. but those use cases are up to you to explore).
